Episode 122 — Courtroom Graphics with Kerri Ruttenberg

Kerri Ruttenberg, now the Senior Vice President and General Counsel for Litigation at Walmart, literally wrote the book on court room visual aids. This week, the author of Impact: Design and Use of Winning Trial Visuals joins us to talk about the relationship between speaker and graphics, the role of visual aids in the courtroom, how trial visual differ from conference visuals, and the school activities that put her on her current path.

Episode 049 — Restrict Your Practice Time and My Content Process

  2-Minute Tip: Restrict Your Practice Time   Two of the biggest sins of public speakers are going overtime and rambling. Both disrespect the audience, When you go 5 minutes over, you’re not just taking 5 minutes. You’re taking 5 minutes from everyone in the room. If there are 20 people in the room, you’ve actually taken 100 minutes in total.   To address both these issues, restrict your rehearsal…